Friday, April 26

Browsing: Articles

Looks like we will be riding an elevator to space in a few years… All I can say is… what kind of music will that engender?

The Darwin Awards are one of the more humorous places to visit on the web. Here Here to those who improve our gene pool by removing themselves from it in really stupid ways.

The March Essay photo’s will be posted soon. I chose the Turtle Park and surrounding area accross from the Zoo as my subject. Saint Louis, I have found, is a wealth of architecture, just waiting to be photographed. :)

I program mostly using the Microsoft paradigm. I do this mostly because the Microsoft paradigm is simpler than most, and is well documented. Even more so because you do not have to understand a lot to understand the documentation. This means that a person without a complete foundation of programming knowledge can go to and find examples of what he wants to do, and make it work without a lot of trouble. And because the documentation is done so well, and the environment is packaged out of site and out of mind, a person like me who has trouble…

I have been told that I am creative. Yes, I understand that some, probably most, will find that statement hard to believe. I myself find it a little disconcerting. I think the reason why I have never viewed myself as creative is because, unlike what I see other people do, I can’t just “create” an idea or something cool out of apparent nothingness. And neither do I create often. I “create”, almost always, in response to a problem. They say that necessity is the mother on invention, and that best expresses how I approach the creative process. I am, at…

This is the coolest application. It a javascript richtext editor that allows you to edit your text like you would in word. Then it converts all the stuff into html markup and puts it in a string for you to do something with. Think of the appliations…

I have been told that my site needs more graphics. And although I agree to a certain extent, I dileberately shied away from very many graphics for two reasons. First, I wanted the site to load fast, very fast. I wanted people to see the content quickly, and having lots of graphics makes that difficult. But the other reason, and the more important one is this: I wanted people to come back. See the problem with flashy web sites is that after the initial coolness factor wears off, there’s nothing to keep you there. And after a while, those flashy…

I am learning JAVA and JSP at work right now, and in honor of the process, i have been inspired to write a Japanese Haiku about it. Here it is: A Demanding Web JAVA and HTTP Dynamic Union

So the real question is… just who exactly is the OGC and what do they have to do with me? That’s a good question. If you are involved in GIS then the OGC may pertain to you. Like the W3C they produce standards for the GIS community. And like any standards organization, they fight an uphill battle getting people to adhere to those standards. The OGC is very focused in what it is trying to accomplish. There are large databases of geospatial data that are not accessable to most people because many times there is no gateway and those that…

I am realizing more and more the danger of wanting to learn something about everything. The problem is that most people don’t have the capacity to hold all that information. What ends up happening is that you don’t become good at any one thing, but just ok in a lot of things. Personally it’s frustrating. Mostly because I don’t have the discipline I need to be good at a lot of things. I barely have the discpline I need to be good at one thing. But one thing tends to bore me after not to long. What to do huh…

Good Morning all! I slept more than the average amoung last night and i am feeling much better. The Atesto word for the day is “Biaibo jo?” it means “How are you?”. Pronounced “Bi-aye-bo joe”. To respond you would say, “Ejokuna” which means “Fine”.

Yoga! in Atesto, Yoga means "Hello". The traditional reponse would be "Yoga Noi" meaning “very hello”. To say good bye you would say, “Yoga Do”. To find more vocabulary for the Ateso language, you can go here

We had a guest speaker at our church today, a Bro. Mulroney. He is an evangelist by trade and 100% Irish. The man is 100% sold on what he believes and quite the talker. I love to see a man whose passion is worn on his sleeves. He is powerfully emotional and vehemently against those things that have hurt him and those around him.

I am profoundly surprised… Few times have i heard in my lifetime a voice for feminists that was reasonable. As homeschooler who loves his mother and carries a great deal of respect for the other half of this race, i have always been highly offended by the feminist movement because of their flagrant attacks on me, simply because i was a man. yet here is such a voice of reason. My thanks Mrs. McElroy.

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